Tuesday, September 30, 2014

OpenStreetMap: convert an pbf to an sqlite database with Python

Recently, I have demonstrated how the open street map pbf parser (OSMpbfParser.py) can be used to create xml files. With little effort, a script can be written that creates and fills an sqlite database. Of course, I first have to define a schema into which I load the data. I think this is also a good exercise to understand the internals of osm data. The tables are adapted from the original open street data database schema.


Table node

The node table is the fundamental table for open street map. Each node consists of a longitude (lon) / latitude (lat) pair and thus defines a geographical point on the surface of the earth. The original schema has a few more attributes, such as changeset_id or version. I am not interested in these, so I don't load them:
create table node( id integer primary key, lat real not null, lon real not null );

Tables way and node_in_way

Each "line" (such as a street or border etc) on open street map is an ordered list of nodes. Open Street Map calles them ways. Ways are also used to define areas in which case the last node equals the first node in the list.

First, I need a table just to store each way. Again, I am not interested in attributes such as user or changeset, so I just load the way's id:

create table way( id integer primary key );

The table node_in_way relates nodes and ways:
create table node_in_way( way_id integer not null references way deferrable initially deferred, node_id integer not null references node deferrable initially deferred, order_ integer not null )

Tables relation and member_in_relation

Open Street Map allows to relate multipe nodes and ways (and even relations) in a relation:
create table relation( id integer primary key );

Each member (that is either node, way or relation) is listed in member_in_relation. Thus, exactly one of the attributes node_id, way_id or relation_id is not null:

create table member_in_relation( id_of_relation integer not null references relation deferrable initially deferred, node_id integer null references node deferrable initially deferred, way_id integer null references way deferrable initially deferred, relation_id integer null references relation deferrable initially deferred, role text )

Table tag

Finally, there are tags. A tag is a key (k) value (v) pair that can be assigned to nodes, ways or relations. Often, the values for specific keys define what an object is. As in member_in_relation exactly on of node_id, way_id or relation_id is not null.
create table tag( node_id integer null references node deferrable initially deferred, way_id integer null references way deferrable initially deferred, relation_id integer null references relation deferrable initially deferred, k text not null, v text not null )


Here's the ERD for these tables:

The ERD was created with dia from pbf2sqlite-erd.dia.

Loading the pbf to a sqlite db

In order to run the script, a pbf must be obtained, for example with download-switzerland-pbf.py.

Then, this pbf can be loaded into a sqlite db on the command line with

pbf2sqlite.py xyz.pbf xyz.db

The script is on github: pbf2sqlite.py.

Parsing an Open Street Map pbf file with Python

Open Street Map: convert pbf to xml

A Google Earth hiking map for the Säntis region with Open Street Map data

An open street map node density map for Switzerland

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